To celebrate PAC 14’s 19 Years of Community Service, we have established an endowment fund with the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore to guarantee public access television for future generations. An endowment is a fund used to sustain an organization, offering financial security and independence, for future generations.
How it works The account earns interest that can be withdrawn for use by that organization. An endowment of $3 million dollars would generate enough interest to sustain an independent public access channel indefinitely. |
What it Means
With a PAC 14 endowment fund we can:
- Have financial independence for our Public Access Channel. Free television for the community to share its hopes, dreams, and events; an independent bulletin board open to all without the worry of costs to the citizens of our community.
- Fund local producer projects or finance programs that highlight our unique heritage on the shore.
- Help purchase equipment that bolsters our production values, instead of settling for the best we can get on a tight budget.
- Help PAC 14 become a broadcast station, one that can be enjoyed by everyone in the community, tripling our current community outreach.
- Provide a new state of the art facility to better serve the public and the growing needs of the community.
- Support academia by providing scholarships and internships at a real world, hands on facility serving the public goals and needs.
- Better serve the education of our students, with programs designed for learning.
Suggested Donations
- Legacy Members can support PAC 14 endowment by pledging $14 for 14 months, a total of $196 overall. If 1400 members sign up, $274,400 goes to our endowment, generating an estimated annual stipend to PAC 14 of $13,720. This amount helps cover facility costs, funding for independent local programming, or better equipment or broadcasting capabilities. A small pledge of $14 for 14 months will help us reach our goals.
- Life Legacy Members that pledge $1400 to the endowment can add $280,000 and generate the same support with just 200 donors. Life Legacy Members are listed on our Members page. Business Partners are also encouraged to contribute at the Life Legacy level. Businesses that contribute will have an opportunity to tell the public why they love PAC14 in a brief segment that will run on air for a month upon pledging.
For more information on how the endowment will help ensure public access television for our community, call Tom Taylor at 410-677-0091.
Thank you for supporting Public Access Channel 14!